Rescue large carry case

$   368.5


Kit Content:

F/Aid Pamphlet-1
Note Book & Pencil-1
Resus. Face Shield-1
Nitrile Gloves (Pair)-5
Gauze swabs (5 per pack)-5
Saline (15ml)-8
Wound cleaning Aero wipe-10
Adhesive dress. strips (25)-2
Splinter probes (5’s)-2
Antiseptic spray-Rapaid-1
Non-Ad Dressing 5x5 Sml-6
Non-AdDressing7.5x10 Med-3
Non-AdDressing10x10 Lrge-1
Conforming Bandage 5cm-3
Conforming Bandage 10cm-3
Heavy Crepe Bandage 10cm-3
Zinc strapping tape - 1
Safety Pins (12)-1
BPC Dressing No14 Medium-1
BPC Dressing No15 Large-3
Combine Dressing 9x20cm-1
Amputation Bag (3)-1
Triangular Bandage-5
Emergency Blanket (Foil)-1
Eye Pad-4
Hydro Gel (Burnaid 3gm)-5
Instant Ice Pack large - 1
Fabric Knuckle dressing - 1 pack
Finger tip dressing - 1 pack
Cotton applicator (100) - 1 pack
Basic dressing pack - 1


The contents are suitable for construction / manufacturing areas / heavy work areas catering from 25 - 50 workers.
the dimensions of vital back pack trauma large 54 x 49 x 32 cm.